Monday, August 28, 2006


ANNA WRITES...Why are kittens so cute? Actually, this is kind of a serious question... Why do many people (like me) find small, furry things so damn cute? What constitutes "cute" and why do we see some things as cute and some things as ugly?

There have been many studies as to why one thing is cute but not another. They all come to the conclusion that it has to do with proportion and symmetry. Large head and eyes, small ears and body plus symmetrical features are often sited as those characteristics that determine that something is cute.

I don’t think these studies really tell us anything. First of all, the researchers look at babies, kittens puppies, etc. and classify all the characteristics they have in common and tell us that this is what makes something cute. This is just bad science. They are really just telling us that babies, kittens and puppies are cute (because they have these characteristics) but we already know they are cute. These studies don’t actually tell us why. Defining what is cute by proportion would be similar to defining what is funny. You can make all kinds of rules and generalizations, but in the end, if you have to explain why it is funny, it isn’t funny.

So I’m going to go beyond science and reach into the world of Jim’s brain and really tell you why things are cute (because I don’t know why things are funny). Cute is an evolutionary tool programmed into living things to help young survive. Animals are always cutest when they are the most vulnerable (with the exception of the first hours after birth). It is when they are young and helpless that they are the cutest. As they get older and more self sufficient they become less and less cute. We see these things that are cute and we want to hold them and feed them and clean up their poop. All the things we would consider very disgusting if they were grown, able bodied adults. That is why we can laugh at a three year telling his father he is stupid while if the same son were to do that when he was 23, there would be little chance for that the father would see the humor. (Hey! Maybe I do know what’s funny!)

The second part of your question, “why do we see some things as ugly?” is really unrelated to the cute question. Ugly is the opposite of beauty, not cuteness. Beauty and ugly are less definable as both are in the eye of the beholder. The reason for this is beyond even Jim’s vast knowledge.


At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That is why we can laugh at a three year telling his father his is stupid"

Now that I'm 23 I can't tell you that you're stupid. But you can use the instant and effortless worldwide communication forum known as the Internet to tell people.

Also, thank you for including a poop reference in that one. You're crack me up Jim.

At 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS Jim, I believe this is the 1-year anniversary of Ask Jim. Did you ever think Ask Jim would make it this far?

Did you like hanging out with Jay, Bob and John? Say, maybe you should make a post comparing and contrasting Bob and Jay with the old muppet guys.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Anna Shambleceno said...

Thanks for the answer, Jim. I must say, I had to look at the CUTE pictures for a few minutes before I could gather up enough energy to concentrate on the text. SO CUTE!

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

So tell me Jim, what do you think of the International Astronomical Union's recent definition of a planet?

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

cute is short for acute, which means sharp, which refers to a thin edge, which comes from the middle english word egge, which looks like the word egg, which is used in the word egghead, which means nerd-- so i guess nerds are cute! too bad i'm not one.

At 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"'you're' crack me up Jim. "
oh adam...

At 4:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read similar thoughts that say when we see baby creatures with big eyes and certain symmetry they remind of us of human babies which stimulates part of our frontal lobe on an instinctive level. We were made to like it, even if babies and kids annoy us.


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